Swing Door Brush Seals
Door Seals and Weather Stripping for Swinging Doors
There are many styles of swinging doors, so there isn’t just one design of our brush door seals to fit them, but the bottoms always sweep the floor. The sides and tops of the door seals will depend on the door frames and hinge arrangements. The bottom will use a 00 or no-angle brush, the size of which will depend on the size of the door and the surface of the floor. Memtech brush door seals and weatherstripping provide an extremely effective way of preventing heat loss and providing non-chemical pest control and dust control around swinging doors.
Memtech brush door seals and weatherstripping permanently block entry for bugs, insects, and other pests without chemicals. Use as a barrier to control lying and crawling insects and small animals. Memtech brush door seals have raised an AIB by 90 points!