Light Control – Weather & Brush Seals for Doors

Why Use Memtech Door Brush Seals, Weather Seals, Weatherstripping for Doors?


Light Elimination

Memtech Brush nylon brush seal assemblies are so dense that when applied to a door, they completely block any light that would otherwise leak through. They conform to any variance in gap size running the length of the door or door frames. Many food processing facilities recognize that if light is seen through a door that a gap is big enough for pests, rodents and bugs to get in. Light is used too often as a deduction in inspections. Order and install before your inspection!

Memtech’s nylon brush seal assemblies are an excellent way to permanently block light from a photographic darkroom, theater room, and flight simulation room or anywhere where light cannot be tolerated. With stock nylon bristle trims as short as 0.4″ and as long as 17″ + there is certain to be a Memtech stock brush trim option that will suit your light control application. Sometimes seeing is believing! Click here to request a free sample.


Memtech Brush

Specializing in Brush Seals

Phone #:
800-634-4471 (or) 734-455-8550
Fax #:
9033 General Drive
Plymouth, MI 48170
Office Hours:

Mon. – Fri. 9:00 AM (to) 5:00 PM

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