Air Flow Control – Weather & Brush Seals for Doors

Why Use Memtech Door Brush Seals, Weather Seals, Weatherstripping for Doors?


Temperature Control

Memtech Brush seals serve as an exceptional barrier to prevent unwanted hot or cold air transfer. When sealing with a brush seal, you can ensure a temperature-controlled room or facility minimizes energy loss. Our nylon brush seal assemblies serve as perfect temperature control for your facility’s rooms, doors, and areas. When your company pays to heat or cool a building or place, even the slightest air gap causes temperature changes. Even the smallest gap around a door costs you money in energy loss. Don’t waste another minute or dollar letting that air out.

Memtech Brush has unique assembly options that are especially effective for high-temperature applications, reducing heat loss and improving working environments around industrial ovens or laser machinery by containing the heat.

Memtech Brush seals are an excellent and inexpensive tool to seal large or unwanted pass-through between walls or cutouts on a floor. These openings are letting too much air and money escape.

Call now for a free brush assembly sample for your airflow control application.


Memtech Brush

Specializing in Brush Seals

Phone #:
800-634-4471 (or) 734-455-8550
Fax #:
9033 General Drive
Plymouth, MI 48170
Office Hours:

Mon. – Fri. 9:00 AM (to) 5:00 PM

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